Therapy Fees
Each session is a standard therapy session of 50 minutes. If payment by euros the daily bank rates applies.
(Available for individuals, couples or families.)
Single Session
Insurance companies
Coaching Fees
50 min sessions fee, longer sessions pro rata. If payment by euros the daily bank rates applies.
Individual Session
Supervision Fees
1 hour sessions fee, 90 min pro rata
Individual Supervision
Group Supervision
(min. 3 people)
per person
Working Hours (GMT+1)
11am - 7pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 7pm
3pm - 8pm
Payment Methods
BACS before or after each session or payment at the end of each calendar month by agreement. Payment in EUR is possible (daily conversion rate applies)
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend a session then notification is expected at least 24 hours in advance. Full payment will be expected for a missed session without giving notice, unless due to exceptional circumstances.